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25 Tips for Practicing Self-Care While Job Searching

Job searching is difficult during normal times. With the added stress of COVID 19, staying healthy and motivated can be challenging. Our Employment Counsellors have developed a list of tips to help you stay safe and look after yourself during this difficult time.

  • Avoid handshaking.
  •  If you are in a situation where you cannot stay 6 feet apart, please remember to wear a face mask.
  • In-person interviews may be changed to ZOOM or over the phone interviews. Make sure you familiarize yourself with these options.
  • Pounding the pavement and going door-to-door with resumes may not be your safest option. Conducting a virtual job search is likely where your time will be focused.
  • If you feel unwell or have a fever stay HOME.
  • Stay informed but take breaks from social media, the news and your mobile devices.
  • Stay socially connected to friends and family through email, phone calls, video chats and social media.
  • Try to eat healthy meals, exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.
  • Think about how to use any unexpected flexibility in your daily routine.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of your life and things you can control.
  • Be kind and compassionate to yourself and others.
  •  If you can, limit your use of substances. If you do use substances, practice safer use and good hygiene.
  • Check-in with yourself often to maintain a positive outlook. Practice positive self-talk.
  • Keep up with your networking. Just do it differently so your safety is maintained. Use LinkedIn, email, phone calls, Skype or Zoom meetings.
  • Create a job search schedule. Spend the remainder of your time doing something you enjoy.
  • Surround yourself with positive people while maintaining your bubble.
  • Join online groups based on your interests.
  • Share good news articles.
  •  Pay it forward. Doing a good deed for someone else helps to maintain a positive outlook.
  • Be in the moment as much as possible. Practice mindfulness by stretching, meditating and taking deep breaths to support both physical and mental health.
  • Embrace an optimistic, “can-do” attitude
  • Surround yourself with sources of motivation (ie. Ted Talks or a positive podcast).
  • Create relaxing moments with a warm bath, reading, going for a walk or listening to music.
  • Check out the numerous Self-Care apps and Mental Health Challenges online.
  • Persevere with your job search. Believe in yourself and what you have to offer.
  • Access the Wellness Together Canada portal for resources and supports on mental wellness and substance use issues.

We will get through this together.

For more information of self-care during COVID, sign up for our webinar at

