Tips For Preparing For A Job Fair

It has become much more commonplace for large employers to host a Job Fair when conducting a mass hire. This time-efficient, cost-efficient process allows them to meet multiple candidates, in a short period of time, and form a viable first impression.

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Things You Can Still Do When The Weather Outside Is Frightful

As Canadians we brace ourselves annually for the frigid winter months. When employed or in training, we force ourselves to bundle up and forge on. However, when unemployed; it may be a little more difficult to muster up the energy and motivation to face the elements especially given that the result could possibly be a rejection. If minus 40 degrees is not your thing, there are many activities you can still pursue to keep you in the zone while keeping warm as well. Check out this video for great ideas on how to maintain your job search activity during a harsh winter.

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12 Tips for Job Search, COVID Taught to Me…

Gearing up for the holiday season often includes enjoying some of our favorite Christmas songs. It is an understatement to say “this has been a very long year”. In the spirit of the season, we are going to pay a light-hearted tribute to the “Twelve Days of Christmas” theme outlining what we have learned in the past nine months. Hope you enjoy!

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You Have Graduated From High School – Now What?

To say that deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life before age 18 is difficult is an understatement. With an ever changing labour market, it is predicted that by 2020 many of the careers that will be lucrative do not even exist yet. In addition, we have seen an emerging pattern of multiple careers over one’s work lifetime. What that means is the work life your parents knew with full time, permanent, lifetime positions with benefits and a company pension plan is not the vocational landscape of today. Yet, due to the changes in the world of work, there are also more opportunities to land international jobs, work in the gig economy, pursue careers related to innovation, or develop your entrepreneurial spirit by finding unique ways to solve current problems.
That being said, you may now find yourself at a crossroad attempting to identify whether employment, post-secondary education, apprenticeship, volunteerism or travel is the next step for you. We have devised a checklist of recommendations and resources to help you with this decision.

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What is the new normal for job search?

For months we have talked about COVID…the potential impact on our health, months of social isolation from loved ones, restrictions on non-essential travel, and long-term unemployment. While many of us thought in March it would only last a few weeks, here we are 5 months later with still many restrictions in place. With long-term uncertainty and the various stages of businesses reopening, it has been challenging both supporting and advising job seekers on how to cope with the pandemic. Here are the things we know for sure:

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How Do I Prepare to write the GED?

It is no secret that the majority of employers have deemed a high school diploma to be a minimum requirement for even the most entry level jobs. While this proves to be an issue for some, there are viable options to make sure that you are able to readily compete in today’s market. One of those options is to obtain the General Educational Development Certificate, otherwise known as the GED. There is a testing site in Peterborough where both the GED Final can be written as well as the preparation assessment otherwise known as the pre-test. The Pre-test can be taken in the evening or during the daytime. The Ministry Final is scheduled on weekends providing access for those who are working full time.

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How to Help Your Kids Find Meaningful Employment – 12 Tips for Parents

It has often been quoted that “there is no love stronger than a parent’s love for their child.” With the goal of raising happy, health, successful adults, we do everything in our power to create opportunities that will allow our children to have many doors open to them in the future. Sometimes the intent to be helpful can inhibit a child’s ability to become confident, independent, resourceful and successful. While the process of finding employment can be challenging and discouraging, allowing them to find and maintain the job helps them develop the skills they need for the numerous career changes ahead. We have outlined some tips that will allow you to show your support while also promoting independence during the job search and career planning process.

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