Why do you want this job?

For many employers, the recruitment process is as much about risk management as it is about finding qualified applicants. Consider this: Workopolis reports that, “According to a recent study by the Conference Board of Canada, the average time needed to fill a role is 56 days, with the average cost to hire a new employee coming in at $6,227.” Put simply, this process is time-consuming and expensive. Employers, especially those with lots hiring experience, know that what they need most are passionate people who will stay long enough to return on the investment of energy and money that goes into the onboarding process.

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Are you considering Self-Employment?

To say that there has been a dramatic change in the world of work would be an understatement. From full time, permanent employment with benefits and job security to part-time, contract, virtual jobs in a gig economy, it can be difficult to know how to carve out a career in this new landscape. If you are a job seeker, career changer or lifelong learner with varied skills sets and a diverse knowledge base, self-employment may be just what you are looking for. The trick is having a solid idea for your business and knowing how to get started. In the Peterborough community, we are fortunate to have a variety of resources that provide an array of services and opportunities. Today we will be highlighting the Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster, a dynamic and unique organization that provide access to programs, professional partners and self-employment workshops for both physical and virtual clients.

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How to Write an Accomplish-based Resume

There are many options for promoting yourself to potential employers. Whether you are using a CV, chronological resume, functional/skills-based resume, portfolio, promotional video, social media platforms, personal website, or LinkedIn profile, there are many ways to highlight your qualifications and attributes.
In addition to recommending the use of keywords, there is an emerging focus on headlining accomplishment-based examples. This format allows the job seeker to portray their value, innovation, and special skills.

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You Have Graduated From High School – Now What?

To say that deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life before age 18 is difficult is an understatement. With an ever changing labour market, it is predicted that by 2020 many of the careers that will be lucrative do not even exist yet. In addition, we have seen an emerging pattern of multiple careers over one’s work lifetime. What that means is the work life your parents knew with full time, permanent, lifetime positions with benefits and a company pension plan is not the vocational landscape of today. Yet, due to the changes in the world of work, there are also more opportunities to land international jobs, work in the gig economy, pursue careers related to innovation, or develop your entrepreneurial spirit by finding unique ways to solve current problems.
That being said, you may now find yourself at a crossroad attempting to identify whether employment, post-secondary education, apprenticeship, volunteerism or travel is the next step for you. We have devised a checklist of recommendations and resources to help you with this decision.

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Techniques for Dealing with Job Loss

Whether your job loss results from an unexpected company layoff or termination, it is bound to be an emotional time. The loss of the work family, routine, income, self-image and sense of belonging can leave any former employee with a sense of grief. This can be a very difficult time for not only for you but also for your family members due to changes in routines and lifestyle.

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10 Top Resume Writing Tips

Your resume is one of the tools that tells your story, highlights your suitability for a prospective job, and has the potential to set you apart from your competition. With this in mind, a resume should be regularly reviewed and revised to ensure that the most current and suitable information is provided to recruiters. We have devised 10 resume writing tips to cross-reference before you submit your next application.

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Hiring Criteria

What Employers Want

When applying for a job, the qualifications, skill sets, and personal attributes most sought after vary depending industry and company standards. Based on candid employer input, we have devised a list of the criteria most employers can agree on. Whether you are revising your resume, writing a cover letter, completing an online application, preparing for an interview, completing your LinkedIn profile, or conducting cold calls, these tips can help to provide structure for the information you may want to include.

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