10 Effective Strategies for Researching Companies

As a job seeker, you have likely heard that it is beneficial to research companies that you would like to work for. This research can help you gain a better understanding of what the company is all about which in turn helps you to better tailor your resume, cover letter and interview responses. We have outlined 10 effective strategies for making the most of your company research.

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Why do you want this job?

For many employers, the recruitment process is as much about risk management as it is about finding qualified applicants. Consider this: Workopolis reports that, “According to a recent study by the Conference Board of Canada, the average time needed to fill a role is 56 days, with the average cost to hire a new employee coming in at $6,227.” Put simply, this process is time-consuming and expensive. Employers, especially those with lots hiring experience, know that what they need most are passionate people who will stay long enough to return on the investment of energy and money that goes into the onboarding process.

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What Are Recruiters Seeing When They Check Out Your Digital Footprint?

Years ago the term ‘digital footprint’ would not have been referenced when discussing job search preparation yet today we know that over 90 percent of employers are checking you out online at some point during the hiring process. While you may think that this tactic is an invasion of privacy, the harsh reality is that when you post something on one of your platforms YOU are sharing it with the world and, unless modified in privacy settings, anyone can access this information freely. We are increasingly hearing about educational scholarships and job opportunities being lost because of something recruiters have found online that does not align with their professional brand or vision. We all know the marketplace is competitive so putting our best foot forward is to our advantage. This begs the question “Is your behavior on social media platforms helping or harming your career prospects”?

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How to Write an Accomplish-based Resume

There are many options for promoting yourself to potential employers. Whether you are using a CV, chronological resume, functional/skills-based resume, portfolio, promotional video, social media platforms, personal website, or LinkedIn profile, there are many ways to highlight your qualifications and attributes.
In addition to recommending the use of keywords, there is an emerging focus on headlining accomplishment-based examples. This format allows the job seeker to portray their value, innovation, and special skills.

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“This is Life Altering!”

Most of us take for granted the access that we have to technology, resources, products and services. This is not the case for everyone and, for those with a disability; the world can be a very different place. Imagine going to a restaurant and having to choose your dinner by the pictures because you cannot read the menu. Imagine the challenge of trying to write down the details for an upcoming interview or applying for a job online in a timed format. In a competitive job market, a certain level of literacy is required and even those with passion, skills, personality and a post-secondary education can be left behind if the proper resources are not available.

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How Do I Prepare to write the GED?

It is no secret that the majority of employers have deemed a high school diploma to be a minimum requirement for even the most entry level jobs. While this proves to be an issue for some, there are viable options to make sure that you are able to readily compete in today’s market. One of those options is to obtain the General Educational Development Certificate, otherwise known as the GED. There is a testing site in Peterborough where both the GED Final can be written as well as the preparation assessment otherwise known as the pre-test. The Pre-test can be taken in the evening or during the daytime. The Ministry Final is scheduled on weekends providing access for those who are working full time.

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Adapting to Today’s Job Market

Tips for Staying Current with Digital Recruitment

The process of job search used to be so simple. A hand-delivered resume, brief meeting with a hiring manager and completion of a hard-copy application form has now been replaced with digital resumes, online application forms and the development of a professional brand on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Not surprisingly, job seekers of all ages are frustrated wondering how to keep up, fit in and compete in today’s market. While the challenges are very real and understandable, there are strategies for dealing with this transition. Hopefully, the following list will help you develop an understanding and techniques for addressing the challenges associated with digital recruitment.

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