The Value of an Informational Interview

While many have heard of informational interviews, there are few job seekers that feel comfortable contacting an employer with such a request.
What kind of questions do I ask? Will I be bothering them? How is it going to help me in the long run?
These are common and very legitimate questions that we hear often. This post is designed to help you develop a clearer understanding of the benefits of an informational interview and the process involved.
First, let’s start by making the distinction between a job interview and an informational interview. A job interview is arranged by a potential employer in response to your job application. It indicates that you are seen as a suitable candidate for the position and are moving on to the next step in the recruitment process. On the other hand, an informational interview is arranged by the job seeker, displaced worker, career changer, recent graduate or aspiring student.

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How to Help Your Kids Find Meaningful Employment – 12 Tips for Parents

It has often been quoted that “there is no love stronger than a parent’s love for their child.” With the goal of raising happy, health, successful adults, we do everything in our power to create opportunities that will allow our children to have many doors open to them in the future. Sometimes the intent to be helpful can inhibit a child’s ability to become confident, independent, resourceful and successful. While the process of finding employment can be challenging and discouraging, allowing them to find and maintain the job helps them develop the skills they need for the numerous career changes ahead. We have outlined some tips that will allow you to show your support while also promoting independence during the job search and career planning process.

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How Labour Market Information Can Prepare Us for the Future

As Career Practitioners, we are often asked “Where are the jobs?” In the pre-digital world, that was a bit easier to predict, however recent statistics have indicated that, “By 2030, the majority of jobs that will be in demand do not even exist yet” (Ontario Centers of Excellence Advancing Education Program). That statement alone can be very distressing or motivating, depending on your life perspective. What does become clear is that our ability to embrace lifelong learning, be adaptable and multi-skilled will better position us for the careers of the future.
We know that the employment landscape continues to change with a decrease in long-term full-time positions to an increase in self-employment, contract and remote work. Rohit Talwar – Fast Future (2017) cites, “Canadians entering the work force today can expect to hold 40 different jobs in ten completely different career paths in their lives.” That is a long way from the full-time permanent jobs available in the generation before us. Given the fact that, “51 percent of people are staying at a job for less than two years” (Workopolis, 2017), the concept of choosing a forever career is not as feasible as it once was. The world is changing and, like it or not, we must keep up in order to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.

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Nobody likes to be the Newbie – Tips for “Fitting In” When You Start a New Job

Going through the application process to find employment can be stressful; then finally it happens. You get a job offer. No more handing out resumes, completing online applications, or answering tough interview questions. Hurray! Following the excitement and anticipation, comes the reality check. You are starting a brand new job – with people you don’t know, in a business you are unfamiliar with, completing tasks that may be new to you.

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Are you considering Self-Employment?

To say that there has been a dramatic change in the world of work would be an understatement. From full time, permanent employment with benefits and job security to part-time, contract, virtual jobs in a gig economy, it can be difficult to know how to carve out a career in this new landscape. If you are a job seeker, career changer or lifelong learner with varied skills sets and a diverse knowledge base, self-employment may be just what you are looking for. The trick is having a solid idea for your business and knowing how to get started. In the Peterborough community, we are fortunate to have a variety of resources that provide an array of services and opportunities. Today we will be highlighting the Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster, a dynamic and unique organization that provide access to programs, professional partners and self-employment workshops for both physical and virtual clients.

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