What’s the deal with WHMIS 2015?

There has been much confusion with the inception of WHMIS 2015. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System training has existed for quite some time and, undenounced to most of us, was known as WHMIS 1988.

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Embracing Life Long Learning

There is something about the month of September...warmer clothes, cooler nights, leaves changing and students returning to school. While many parents and students grapple with the challenges of online and in-class learning options, it is inevitable that students of all ages will learn more about both subject material and how to navigate distance education platforms. Yet back to school is not just a term for children, youth, and young adults. Newcomers, career changers, job seekers, and the under-employed can take advantage of numerous online learning experiences as well, some of which may even be free.

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What Are Recruiters Seeing When They Check Out Your Digital Footprint?

Years ago the term ‘digital footprint’ would not have been referenced when discussing job search preparation yet today we know that over 90 percent of employers are checking you out online at some point during the hiring process. While you may think that this tactic is an invasion of privacy, the harsh reality is that when you post something on one of your platforms YOU are sharing it with the world and, unless modified in privacy settings, anyone can access this information freely. We are increasingly hearing about educational scholarships and job opportunities being lost because of something recruiters have found online that does not align with their professional brand or vision. We all know the marketplace is competitive so putting our best foot forward is to our advantage. This begs the question “Is your behavior on social media platforms helping or harming your career prospects”?

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Things You Can Still Do When The Weather Outside Is Frightful

As Canadians we brace ourselves annually for the frigid winter months. When employed or in training, we force ourselves to bundle up and forge on. However, when unemployed; it may be a little more difficult to muster up the energy and motivation to face the elements especially given that the result could possibly be a rejection. If minus 40 degrees is not your thing, there are many activities you can still pursue to keep you in the zone while keeping warm as well. Check out this video for great ideas on how to maintain your job search activity during a harsh winter.

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The Job That Got Away…

The job search process is incredibly competitive. With resume submissions, online applications, networking, social media management, and interviews, there are so many opportunities to highlight your value. And then it finally happens…you get a job interview and feel like you nailed it. The employer is talking like you already have the job, you sense rapport, and it appears that only the formalities remain before you land the position.

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Take Time to Create Your Own Path

For many people, the need to change careers may be imposed upon them. Company downsizing and positions becoming obsolete may result in job seekers feeling the pressure to retrain. Whether it is continuous education classes or more formal post-secondary diploma or degree programs, it is undeniable that lifelong learning is now a survival skill in today's competitive marketplace.

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What to Do When You Are Not a Morning Person

Regardless of how much you may love your job, sometimes when the alarm goes off, the thought of getting out of bed can be daunting. This can be is normal response occasionally, but if it begins to become common place you may want to incorporate some strategies to help you ‘get it together’ in the morning:

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